2022: Retrospective, Highlights
These are some of our highlights of 2022.
Portals started out of a research project we had previously called “Pods”. The project started from reflections on the problematic combination of fault-tolerance and cyclic/dynamic communication patterns/topology. Around May, 2022, we started working on a dataflow streaming based model, targeting stateful serverless applications. The name Portals was later chosen, it refers to the Portal abstraction in the programming model.

Portals replaces Pods, 2022.
Workshops / Presentations / Posters
We presented the work at various workshops / poster-sessions. This included the event at CASTOR Software days, and more (see talks and posters). Here is a picture from the poster session at CASTOR Software days.

Portals at CASTOR Software Days, 2022, Stockholm, Sweden.
Our work was accepted into Onward!’22 / Splash’22, and we got the chance to travel to Auckland, New Zealand, to present it (see our trip blog post). The paper is now freely available on ACM DL, and the presentation is available on YouTube.

Presentation at Onward!'22 / Splash'22, 2022, Auckland, New Zealand.
What’s Next?
We are working on the first release of the Portals runtime, stay tuned for more information.