package portals.system
Members list
Type members
trait PortalsSystem
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Known subtypes
class ParallelSystemclass TestSystem
trait Systems
class TestSystem(seed: Option[Int]) extends PortalsSystem
Test system and runtime for Portals. This system is single-threaded, synchronous, and lets the user proceed the computation by taking steps over atoms. Alternatively, the computation can be carried out until the end by stepping until it has completed.
Test system and runtime for Portals. This system is single-threaded, synchronous, and lets the user proceed the computation by taking steps over atoms. Alternatively, the computation can be carried out until the end by stepping until it has completed.
- Supertypes
Experimental classlikes
class ParallelSystem(nThreads: Int) extends PortalsSystem
- Experimental
- true
- Supertypes
In this article